Stacy Higgins Stacy Higgins

1000’ts 000.1 -rec

We are calling you to join an exciting adventure…

From :

To : recollections.rec

Date: 10/23/23

Time: 10:32 pm


Calling all inspiring individuals with a sense of adventure ! We’re on the hunt for 10, both women and men, to join our exclusive project. if you you’re intrigued and want to figure out the details, slide into our DM’s.

Feel free to email us…

it’s simple,


Stacy Higgins

(469) - 2036525

HEB 11:1

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Stacy Higgins Stacy Higgins



"I don't smoke."

My mind echoes, "I don't smoke either."

So I replied, “It's not for smoking."

It's merely a flame, a symbol, intended to be shared with love and creativity.

That's all there is to it. The lighter signifies REC's flame that we're passing on to you.

We want you involved.

We want to ignite that spark within you, encouraging you to start your own flame, and in turn, pass it on to someone else who might need that extra push.

It’s simple,


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Stacy Higgins Stacy Higgins


why don’t you feel blessed ?

where do you feel like you’re lacking ?

you might look at an individual and see they have Ferrari ..

but they don’t have a Family that loves them .

do you feel good about yourself ?

what would it take to make you feel blessed ?

what is it that makes you feel deficient ?

is being blessed a feeling ?

*it doesn’t matter if you feel blessed or not , think about how you feel


thought :

feel your blessings

what makes you feel obsessed ? determined ?

what makes you feel determined ?

if you’re reading this , you’re blessed

🔍 work on switching the angles


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Stacy Higgins Stacy Higgins


.. a feeling of expectation ; a desire for a certain thing to happen

what do you hope for every day ?

to hope is to feel what you want , often times before you even get it .. although one could argue that this feeling is almost like already having it .

but we aren’t just speaking on the material things in life

hope could be for a better day .. or mental clarity to make important decisions

if you really analyze how we live our lives ; we hope on a daily basis , and we tend to get exactly what we are hoping for . this can be negative or positive .. it doesn't matter .

be honest with yourself . what are you hoping for ? what are you feeling everyday ? what is making you feel the way you feel ? do you need to take a step back , breathe , and see what’s really going on in your mind ?

the belief in hope is simple , but it also takes simple practice everyday to achieve it .

put hope to practice everyday .. practice your feelings every day .. practice your mind every day . try to sit in silence on your own , away from the distractions of life .. just breathe .. listen …

this is not to make you feel anxious or fearful but to challenge your thoughts and emotions .

hope with a plus sign

easier said then done .. but it’s simple


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Stacy Higgins Stacy Higgins

rec signature product*

rec lighter x bic design

the lighter is a perfect device that goes unrecognized , a tool to be used in many ways , creating fire

but the concept is not about using the lighter to create fire , it’s about creating the flame within yourself to create your own fire .

it’s to show who you are and it is to be judged the wrong way. is there even a wrong way ?

let people know who you are with the lighter, spark a conversation and light the flame together

we want you to share

it’s to create light

we are the flames



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Stacy Higgins Stacy Higgins

know thyself (create)

ask yourself this

“what do i think about?”

it can be anything .. cars, music, dancing, reading, flowers .. this list could go on.

maybe write it down if you prefer doing

(really think)

sometimes we think we’re not good at dancing or singing or skateboarding or whatever it may be . the great part is , you’re probably right . you may not be good , or maybe your just okay .

getting to know yourself and learn what you are actually good at is where the fun begins

when you grow to know yourself you learn how to experience yourself in new ways .

you keep going until you find something

you don’t stop

that’s the journey

imagine starting a hobby .. and you begin to find yourself happier . then it becomes fun . once it becomes fun , that’s where you really find yourself .

you have created something in you; inner passion.

know thyself , create yourself

it’s simple ,


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Stacy Higgins Stacy Higgins

creator ?

it’s simple

you create what you think about .

if you are aligned with your thoughts and feelings , you will create a space of peace

if you dwell on your past or future , you will experience exactly what you are dwelling on .

creating is more than building something physical

create what matters to you

trust in yourself






thought: pay attention to your thoughts and write them down

our purpose is to create ,

it’s simple ,


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Stacy Higgins Stacy Higgins


words are powerful

writing is powerful

words can change the world

sharing it with others can even give it more meaning and a power to become contagious

in F*ck Anxiety , it was asked why certain words existed . do we allow the definitions of a word to reflect upon our well being ?

realistically , a word shouldn’t have the power to define how you feel . yet they do .

still , aren’t there are other words that could be used to instead reverse negative effects ?

if you find yourself repeating particular words or phrases in your head , especially negative ones , write them down

analyze and understand what it is you’re repeating

it’s quite interesting what you can discover ..

it’s simple,


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Stacy Higgins Stacy Higgins

F*ck Anxiety

why does this word even exist ?

it’s almost as if the word itself brings the sh*t into existence

like the word is what causes the issue

what if you don’t have anxiety & you just have something that you googled and now you are stressed over it ?

also f*ck google

there is so much information that we don’t need to know and research

thought : don’t say “I feel anxious”

honestly , saying it makes you even feel more anxious

give thanks to your present day and repeat that .

nonstop .

you are the master of your mind . you have control of the programming .

the world we live in wants you to feel you anxious and depressed

don’t allow the world to win

thought continued: when you do have negative thoughts .. or whatever it may be .. instead of rejecting them , accept them . make them your best friend .

you are the creator of it

it’s simple,


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Stacy Higgins Stacy Higgins

“be good to yourself”

Being good to yourself means taking care of yourself. When you are consistently good to yourself, you don't need others to validate your efforts and boost your self-confidence, because you can do those things for yourself.

see Know Thyself

being good to yourself could be taking time for yourself every day to do the things that make you feel good

*not* guilty pleasures

no judgment

we all have them

it could be the small things .. like a nice shower and taking care of your skin .. or maybe a glass of wine while enjoying friends.

take time for yourself

you can’t help anyone if you haven’t helped yourself

take time for yourself today

create time to be good to yourself . every day ..

it’s simple


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Stacy Higgins Stacy Higgins

ERC 721


adjective (LAW)

  1. able to replace or be replaced by another identical item; mutually interchangeable.

    "it is by no means the world's only fungible commodity"

Whether this is your first time hearing about, or you have learned elsewhere, the rise of NFT’s are inevitable. Expect to see NFT’s intertwined with our society in the upcoming years in ways you can’t imagine.

With this rise, a standard has to be set. This standard is provided in the form of a Smart Contract called ERC-721. Naturally the name stood out to us. ERC-721 allows ownership of tokens to be represented. This standard applies to digital assets that cannot be replaced, even real estate or art.

If you’re struggling to wrap your head around this concept, it’s okay.. so are we.

RECollection NFT road map being built at this moment.

(google NFT today)

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Stacy Higgins Stacy Higgins




  1. the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.

we often disguise vulnerabilities

we hide as we fear 

the downsides


there are upsides

vulnerability can breed connection

humanising yourself can form stronger bonds

vulnerability can be a bedrock of respect

by remaining vulnerable we show who we are

& in turn others can unburden themselves

vulnerability is fundamentally generous

a gift in the form of a risk

far from from pitiful , strong enough to be weak

we spend 

so much time 

hiding our weakness

vulnerability is where true 

friendship  and  love can arise

rec is about working on something you love


love can be hard sometimes 

(vulnerabilities are not verdicts .. be vulnerable)

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News, Experiences, Projects, Fashion Stacy Higgins News, Experiences, Projects, Fashion Stacy Higgins


It all begins with a thought



  1. a first, typical or preliminary model of something, especially a machine, from which other forms are developed or copied.

At Rec, everything we do is for a reason. Thought goes into each action, no matter how minor. 

The lighter is something so mundane that it’s various utility can often be overlooked. Whether it’s a birthday, 4th of July weekend, or an aeromatic candle on a relaxing night, the lighter is required.

Sustainability is one of our brand values & directly influenced the design of the Prototype. Ants play an important role in maintaining the environment, and it is our hope that those who receive this lighter hold the same standard.

If this is too out of the ordinary for you, don’t worry, this is only the prototype. We plan to continue to create & design different styles of lighters along with future collaborations with established lighter companies. We invite you to sign up for updates below. 

Countdown to Prototype.

(Take a moment to google search lighter. You will probably find some interesting things you never knew)

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Insects, Nature, Lighters, Fashion, Ants Stacy Higgins Insects, Nature, Lighters, Fashion, Ants Stacy Higgins


What do ants do ?

Ants help clean up the environment.



plural noun: ants

  1. a small insect, often with a sting, that usually lives in a complex social colony with one or more breeding queens. It is wingless except for fertile adults, which often form large mating swarms, and is proverbial for industriousness.

When you envision a common ant, it’s likely you’d begin to think of the Pharaoh Ant. The Pharaoh Ants are highly intelligent. In addition to being able to build & spread colonies rapidly, they also can communicate via smell and have a caste system establishing a hierarchy of power. This level of sophistication within simplicity is what will be inspiring our upcoming 1K launch.

(see Prototype Blog)



1998 ‧ Family/Adventure ‧ 1h 23m

(go check out Ants in the Visuals menu section)

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News, Covid-19, Omicron, Experiences, Fashion Stacy Higgins News, Covid-19, Omicron, Experiences, Fashion Stacy Higgins


It all begins with a thought

rec: in 5-6 sentences, tell me your experience with Omicron

- long pause -

anon: 5-6 sentences?

rec: I don’t know, just tell me your experience with Omicron.

anon: It lasted .. 3 days total. I was sick for the first day, second day was mild, third day I was fine. That’s all I got to say about it. Was that 3 sentences? That was 4 sentences.

click on read more…

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