F*ck Anxiety

why does this word even exist ?

it’s almost as if the word itself brings the sh*t into existence

like the word is what causes the issue

what if you don’t have anxiety & you just have something that you googled and now you are stressed over it ?

also f*ck google

there is so much information that we don’t need to know and research

thought : don’t say “I feel anxious”

honestly , saying it makes you even feel more anxious

give thanks to your present day and repeat that .

nonstop .

you are the master of your mind . you have control of the programming .

the world we live in wants you to feel you anxious and depressed

don’t allow the world to win

thought continued: when you do have negative thoughts .. or whatever it may be .. instead of rejecting them , accept them . make them your best friend .

you are the creator of it

it’s simple,





“be good to yourself”