News, Experiences, Projects, Fashion Stacy Higgins News, Experiences, Projects, Fashion Stacy Higgins


It all begins with a thought



  1. a first, typical or preliminary model of something, especially a machine, from which other forms are developed or copied.

At Rec, everything we do is for a reason. Thought goes into each action, no matter how minor. 

The lighter is something so mundane that it’s various utility can often be overlooked. Whether it’s a birthday, 4th of July weekend, or an aeromatic candle on a relaxing night, the lighter is required.

Sustainability is one of our brand values & directly influenced the design of the Prototype. Ants play an important role in maintaining the environment, and it is our hope that those who receive this lighter hold the same standard.

If this is too out of the ordinary for you, don’t worry, this is only the prototype. We plan to continue to create & design different styles of lighters along with future collaborations with established lighter companies. We invite you to sign up for updates below. 

Countdown to Prototype.

(Take a moment to google search lighter. You will probably find some interesting things you never knew)

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Insects, Nature, Lighters, Fashion, Ants Stacy Higgins Insects, Nature, Lighters, Fashion, Ants Stacy Higgins


What do ants do ?

Ants help clean up the environment.



plural noun: ants

  1. a small insect, often with a sting, that usually lives in a complex social colony with one or more breeding queens. It is wingless except for fertile adults, which often form large mating swarms, and is proverbial for industriousness.

When you envision a common ant, it’s likely you’d begin to think of the Pharaoh Ant. The Pharaoh Ants are highly intelligent. In addition to being able to build & spread colonies rapidly, they also can communicate via smell and have a caste system establishing a hierarchy of power. This level of sophistication within simplicity is what will be inspiring our upcoming 1K launch.

(see Prototype Blog)



1998 ‧ Family/Adventure ‧ 1h 23m

(go check out Ants in the Visuals menu section)

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News, Covid-19, Omicron, Experiences, Fashion Stacy Higgins News, Covid-19, Omicron, Experiences, Fashion Stacy Higgins


It all begins with a thought

rec: in 5-6 sentences, tell me your experience with Omicron

- long pause -

anon: 5-6 sentences?

rec: I don’t know, just tell me your experience with Omicron.

anon: It lasted .. 3 days total. I was sick for the first day, second day was mild, third day I was fine. That’s all I got to say about it. Was that 3 sentences? That was 4 sentences.

click on read more…

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