Stacy Higgins Stacy Higgins

1000’ts 000.1 -rec

We are calling you to join an exciting adventure…

From :

To : recollections.rec

Date: 10/23/23

Time: 10:32 pm


Calling all inspiring individuals with a sense of adventure ! We’re on the hunt for 10, both women and men, to join our exclusive project. if you you’re intrigued and want to figure out the details, slide into our DM’s.

Feel free to email us…

it’s simple,


Stacy Higgins

(469) - 2036525

HEB 11:1

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Stacy Higgins Stacy Higgins


.. a feeling of expectation ; a desire for a certain thing to happen

what do you hope for every day ?

to hope is to feel what you want , often times before you even get it .. although one could argue that this feeling is almost like already having it .

but we aren’t just speaking on the material things in life

hope could be for a better day .. or mental clarity to make important decisions

if you really analyze how we live our lives ; we hope on a daily basis , and we tend to get exactly what we are hoping for . this can be negative or positive .. it doesn't matter .

be honest with yourself . what are you hoping for ? what are you feeling everyday ? what is making you feel the way you feel ? do you need to take a step back , breathe , and see what’s really going on in your mind ?

the belief in hope is simple , but it also takes simple practice everyday to achieve it .

put hope to practice everyday .. practice your feelings every day .. practice your mind every day . try to sit in silence on your own , away from the distractions of life .. just breathe .. listen …

this is not to make you feel anxious or fearful but to challenge your thoughts and emotions .

hope with a plus sign

easier said then done .. but it’s simple


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