Stacy Higgins Stacy Higgins


.. a feeling of expectation ; a desire for a certain thing to happen

what do you hope for every day ?

to hope is to feel what you want , often times before you even get it .. although one could argue that this feeling is almost like already having it .

but we aren’t just speaking on the material things in life

hope could be for a better day .. or mental clarity to make important decisions

if you really analyze how we live our lives ; we hope on a daily basis , and we tend to get exactly what we are hoping for . this can be negative or positive .. it doesn't matter .

be honest with yourself . what are you hoping for ? what are you feeling everyday ? what is making you feel the way you feel ? do you need to take a step back , breathe , and see what’s really going on in your mind ?

the belief in hope is simple , but it also takes simple practice everyday to achieve it .

put hope to practice everyday .. practice your feelings every day .. practice your mind every day . try to sit in silence on your own , away from the distractions of life .. just breathe .. listen …

this is not to make you feel anxious or fearful but to challenge your thoughts and emotions .

hope with a plus sign

easier said then done .. but it’s simple


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