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ERC 721


adjective (LAW)

  1. able to replace or be replaced by another identical item; mutually interchangeable.

    "it is by no means the world's only fungible commodity"

Whether this is your first time hearing about, or you have learned elsewhere, the rise of NFT’s are inevitable. Expect to see NFT’s intertwined with our society in the upcoming years in ways you can’t imagine.

With this rise, a standard has to be set. This standard is provided in the form of a Smart Contract called ERC-721. Naturally the name stood out to us. ERC-721 allows ownership of tokens to be represented. This standard applies to digital assets that cannot be replaced, even real estate or art.

If you’re struggling to wrap your head around this concept, it’s okay.. so are we.

RECollection NFT road map being built at this moment.

(google NFT today)